What Types Of Rules Or Restrictions Can A Bail Bonds Company Place On You?

When you are released on bail, the county or state may require you to follow certain rules or restrictions as a condition of your bail. You may not be allowed to leave the country, you are permitted from breaking any other laws, and you may not have contact with your victim. If you do not follow these laws, bail may be revoked and you may be remanded back into custody. However, what many people do not realize is that a bail bonds company can actually place restrictions on you as well. If you fail to follow the terms a bail bonds company provides you with, they may pull your bond, and you may be forced to go back to jail. Here are some of the most common types or rules or restrictions a bail bonds company may place on you. 

Requiring You to Obtain Gainful Employment

A bail bonds company may require you to obtain gainful employment if they secure your release through a bail bond. Bail bonds companies may require you to work while you are out on bail to help keep you busy and for you to stay out of trouble. If you are attending school, ask your bail bonds company if that suffices in lieu of employment. 

Regulating Where You Can and Cannot Go

Another thing that a bail bonds company can do is to place restrictions on where you can or cannot go. In many cases, the bail bonds company has stricter regulations than the county that released you. The bail bond company may restrict you from traveling out of the county or from traveling out of state. A bail bonds company needs to find you if you miss court, so these restrictions help them if you were to skip bail. 

Mandating Drug or Alcohol Testing

If you were arrested for a drug or alcohol-related charge, the county may require you to be drug or alcohol-tested or wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet. In addition to this, the bail bonds company may also mandate drug or alcohol testing. They have a monetary interest in helping you to stay clean, so they can require you to test and stay clean as a condition of them posting bail on your behalf. 

Requiring Check-Ins With the Bail Bonds Company

The last thing that a bail bonds company may require of you is for you to check in with the bail bonds company. Some companies may require a monthly visit, while others may require weekly phone calls. The bail bonds company wants to ensure that you are staying out of trouble and following the conditions of your release. A regular check-in helps them to touch base with you and ensure you are following all of the conditions of your release. 

If you have used a bail bonds company like Affordable Bail Bonds to get out of jail, it is important that you talk to the company about what they require of you or what restrictions they may have placed on you. Understanding these expectations can help prevent a bail company from pulling your bail and sending you back to jail. 
